September 2 2014
Welcome back parents and students, and welcome to fourth grade! I am very excited to be your teacher at Wines this year.
As is the case at the start of every school year, we will do a lot to establish organization and community in our classroom these first weeks. We will also be going over general rules and procedures, collecting our supplies and getting the class up and running. The first week is filled with a lot of getting to know you activities. Those are our first week goals. Over the course of the year, we will talk about the theme that the privileges of being a fourth grader, are a result of responsible behavior. We want your children to become mature, independent people and to eventually be ready for the increased responsibilities of 4th grade and beyond.
We will go over daily routines and the home / classroom relationship, in detail on curriculum night, but here is a brief overview of our homework plan. Each day they will copy down the classroom assignments in their homework planner. Homework will be assigned at least 4 out of five days per week. I expect that homework will be returned ON TIME, NEAT, LEGIBLE and a FINISHED PRODUCT. I will also expect the planner to be initialed each night by an adult at home. On Fridays, the Homework folder and planner will be sent home with a reflection sheet completed by the student and an update on any missing assignments. This way you and I can keep in close contact so we can tackle any problems immediately. This Personal Reflection page is to be signed by an adult and returned on Monday morning.
First Homework
The first “homework” of the year is a small poster about your child and one summer artifact. I would like each student to make a poster about themselves which they are to put on a page I will be handing out on Tuesday. This is to be returned by no later than Friday, September 5. I will talk to the kids about how all photos and materials must be first cleared by an adult at home. Students should also bring in some artifact from their summer experiences. This is designed to promote a discussion about something that happened over the break. I’ll send these back home with kids in a week or so.
Special Events and Classes
Fourth grade has a very full curriculum. In addition to reading and writing workshop and Everyday Math, we will be covering the 4th grade curriculum for science and social studies. In the first weeks, routines and community building are the focus. As a part of this focus, we are trying to schedule a late September trip to Leslie Science Center, where students will take part in team challenges and possibly a water testing activity at the Huron River. We are trying to put that together now and I will let you know when and how it comes together. Our lunch period is from 11:48-12:36. We go to recess first.
Curriculum Night -Sept. 9 6:30-8:00 (room 116 parents have a 6:30 start in the room and then have a second opportunity at 7:30, right after Dr. DeYoung’s speech)
I cannot stress enough the importance of communication between home and school. Please feel free to contact me for a meeting or just to come in and say “Hi.” I look forward to meeting you all. (Home Phone 369-2099/ Cell 476-9249. Email This is and other notes will be on my blog, Welcome Room 116 at There is a link to this blog on the Wines web page.
Nick Mosher
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