Monday, January 19, 2015

EBooks and Raz-Kids

Hi Parents

I want to let you know about something we are doing in class to supplement our reading workshop.  Nothing takes the place of curling up with a good book, but this is something on top of what we do and it can also be accessed at home.  Students can use this to read books at their reading level for our weekly reading log. It overlaps with our school's BYOT initiative, so check out the info below and let me know if you have any questions.

I am happy to inform you that your student has access to hundreds of eBooks using the school's subscription to Raz-Kids, Students can read, listen to, and even self-record reading these books. Reading-comprehension quizzes along the way show the progress that each student is making. 

Students can access assignments on a computer, tablet, or phone, by going to, and login on nmosher2 and there name on the chart, with no password necessary.
Raz-Kids books are also available on Android and iOS devices. Go to for details.
Follow student progress:
See which books your child has read, send messages, and review activity using our Parent Access area. Simply log in as your student, click the "Parents" link in the upper right, register, then follow the log-in instructions emailed to you.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Room 116 Notes 1-19

Hi Folks

No school tomorrow, as we observe Dr. Martin Luther King's birthday.
For those of you who were unable to see your children sing at the assembly celebrating Dr. King's legacy, our 4th graders sounded wonderful and it was a great assembly.  

This week we will continue our work on unit 6 in math.  We are working on division, and measures of angles.  I have one volunteer for math groups on Thursday, which means I have room for 2 more.  Let me know if you are interested.  We will fill those spots with the first come, first serve method.  There will be another batch of math experts this week, so some of your kids will come home with instructions on preparing a small presentation on an upcoming math concept.  Those presentations will be due Friday, January 23.

We are beginning a writing unit on informational writing.  In Reading workshop we are continuing reading groups and reading responses.  There is no word study spelling tests this week but we will continue the other portion of word study, our daily language work.  In social studies we are continuing our study of the Southeast region.

On Wednesday, we will take the reading portion of the NWEA.  This was postponed due to the snow day two weeks ago.

Monday, January 26, there is no school for students as teachers take part in a day of professional development.

Have a great week and here is the math schedule.


Nick Mosher

Tuesday  1-20
6.4 Expressing and Interpreting Remainders 6.4 Study Link

Wednesday  1-21
6.5  Rotations and Angles 6.5  Study Link

Thursday  1-22
Math Groups - differentiation  Homework - math page

Friday 1-23 
6.6   Using a Full-Circle Protractor   6.6 Study Link
