Busy week coming up.
Field Trip to Waterloo Bog on Monday, so kids need to bring cold lunches. Could be chilly, so make sure they dress accordingly. Boots aren't necessary unless it is raining.
Wednesday we are going with our buddies to Kerrytown and Community. Please join us if you like. We will eat there, so kids need to bring cold lunches.
We begin our Library Songsters collaboration on Friday. Joe and Ira will join us to begin writing a song connected to 4th grade curriculum.
Run-a-thon News
This is from Dr. DeYoung's letter on Friday.
No math groups because of field trips and other activities. There will be a test on Thursday. Look for Study guide/practice test Wednesday night. Note: EDM Online game name is not a link to the website.
Monday 10-6
No Math - Homework - math page on addition/subtraction
EDM Online- Subtraction Top-It with 2-Digit Numbers v2
Tuesday 9-23
2.9 Subtraction of Multidigit Numbers 2.9 Study Link
EDM Online- Subtraction Top-It with 2-Digit Numbers v2
Wednesday 9-24
2.10 Practice test- Study Link 2.10
EDM Online- Choice
Thursday 9-25
Unit 2 Test- math page
EDM Online- Number Top-It with 7-Digit Numbers
Friday 9-25
No Math - No Math Homework
EDM Online - Choice
In honor of the Run-a-Thon, we will hold a Spirit Week next week. The daily themes are:
Monday: Comfy Cozy Day
Tuesday: Silly Sock Day
Wednesday: Crazy Hair Day
Thursday: Biggest Fan (Sports) Day
Friday: Team Unity Day (dress in your classroom theme!!)
Finally, just a reminder that tomorrow is Walk to School Day!
OK-That's all for now. Have a great week!
Nick Mosher